Q1. What is (Nifas)?
A1. Nifas is the blood that is discharged due to childbirth.
Q2. What is the time period for Nifas?
A2. The maximum time for Nifas is 40 days and nights.
Q3. What happens if the blood is discharged for more than 40 days?
A3. If this is the woman's first child, the full 40 days and nights is regarded as Nifas. If she cannot remember how long the blood was discharged from a previous childbirth, then the full 40 days and nights is regarded as Nifas. If she bleeds for more than 40 days and nights, it will be Istihaza.
Q4. What happens if the woman can remember the length of the last Nifas?
A4. She must regard that number of days that she previously had bleeding as her Nifas and anything more than those days (as long as the total goes over forty days) as Istihaza. For example, if her habit for Nifas is 30 days and this time the bleeding was for 45 days, then the 30 days is Nifas and the rest is Istihaza.
Q5. What happens if the woman bleeds for a few days and then the bleeding stops and continues after a few days? Will this still be taken as Nifas?
A5. If at times the blood is discharged and sometimes it stops and continues again, it is still taken as Nifas as long as it is all within the 40 days.
Note: If a woman after childbirth stops bleeding before 40 days, she is to make Nifas Ghusal and start performing her Salaah and not wait until 40 days to perform Ghusal. This is a common mistake women make.