Access Multiple Accounts in Gmail by using the same browser
Do you have more than one Gmail account and always find it annoying you need to sign off and sign in all the time? I have this problem and I do not want to switch on and off in between my accounts all the time. Google have a function to allow you to access two (or more) Gmail accounts.
It is an advanced feature. I am not sure whether this multiple account could apply to other Google function. But at least for Gmail its fine.
It is easy to do this. You just need to (1) turn on the multiple sign-in function (2) sign in with your other account (3) Login to your Gmail
Step 1: Turn on the Multiple Sign in Function in Google in your Account Setting Page
Go to your Account Setting Page and click on editing Multiple Sign in.
This will lead you to this page. Tick on use multiple sign in on the same browser and all the boxes. Basically Google just want to make sure the users realised that this is an advanced function and not all functions on Google will be supported > tick SAVE when you done it.
When you finished the page will load again and it will has a line at the top saying the change has been made.
Step 2 Sign in with your other account
Now on the top right corner you should be able to scroll down your account and be able to sign in with another account as circled in the picture below.
Google will ask you to put in your account and p/w. Just put in your another Google account login and p/w. When it finished, it will back to the previous page and you will be able to see there is another new account under your previous account (default account).
Step 3 Login to your Gmail account
Go back to your Google main page > click account setting page > click on Gmail . You will see your default Gmail. If you want to switch in between your Gmail accounts at the top of the page you will be able to see you other account. Click on it and then accessing Gmail account make easier now!
Now you login to your other account